

It's nice to meet you.

We're a family of 5 who willingly became permanent nomads. Gypsies for Jesus. Originally from Arkansas, our mission is to visit all 50 states. Click here to learn more about the Campfire Ministries team!

About Us!

From Sea To Shining Sea

We operate on the idea of a gathering that takes place around a campfire. You can probably imagine the scene. What starts out as casual conversation & humorous storytelling leads to deeper conversations. Musings. Pondering the deeper meanings of life. What a beautiful, rich experience.

We gather testimonies on a volunteer basis. Most testimonies tend to fall in one of three categories:


The feel goods. These are the stories that tell of God’s goodness. They will leave you in awe of His presence in our lives. They’ll inspire you to tell your own story of God’s faithfulness. We all love these!


Not all stories are happy ones. We’re not a, “We’re fine,” ministry. Life is hard. We share the stories of struggle. Because God’s in those, too. And He works all things to the good for those who love Him.


Sometimes you just need a laugh! We share sights from our travels that make us chuckle. Every now & then, we’re blessed enough to capture a pearl of wisdom from a small child. Life’s too short to be serious all the time.

We greatly value your privacy, and will go to great lengths to make you as comfortable as possible. We are honored to be entrusted with your stories. You can remain as anonymous as you choose - we only ask that we identify the state you're from. To learn more about our testimony process, please click below.

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Featured Stories

We choose to feature these stories for no particular reason...other than they need to be heard.

February 2020. Slow, but Steady Progress.
January 2020. Otherwise known as:
Finally! The End of the 2019 Recaps!!!
May 2019 | From Idaho to Wyoming

Keep The Campfires Burning!

We need your help to keep this ministry going. And "help" can come in many forms.

A Place To Park It

We need a place to park our 37 ft. RV. We stay in the RV – we won’t invade your home! But it does make it much easier to explore an area without towing our home with us everywhere.

A Place To Connect

We’re looking for churches across the country! We want to connect with a church for worship & fellowship, and serve in local ministries while we’re in a community.

Practical Needs

Family of 5 = lots of needs! We greatly appreciate what you can offer. Washer & drier? Thanks! Chiropractor or acupuncturist? We love you! The possibilities are endless.


Life is hard. We can do hard things, but we need people who will pray for us, encourage us, listen to us vent…just be our friends. Please. We’re nice…most of the time.

That Which Shall Not Be Named

We hate to say it. So we won’t. But – as much as we’ve simplified our lifestyle – we still have bills. However. Any little bit helps. Click to learn more. We’ll make you something pretty!

Food! (And Other Stuff)

Food is our single biggest monthly expense. And our kids have food allergies. So food is a toughie. Fruits, vegetables & meats are always a blessing! So are gift cards. And gas cards…


We reply to all emails. (Unless you spam us. Then, we won't.) We can't promise we'll get back to you quickly - but we will get back to you!

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