Don’t you just love a good campfire? The sound of a crackling fire. Perfectly roasted marshmallows. Warmth. Light. And, of course, the conversations. The conversations are the best! The idea of those campfire conversations is what Campfire Ministries is all about.
Imagine it. It’s dark. The sky is full of a million beautiful stars. You’ve had a full day of adventuring & exploring. You’re tired…but it’s the good kind of tired. This kind of tired comes from a day well-lived. Time to wind down & relax. The air feels a bit chilly, so the fire is perfect. You’ve eaten your fill of all kinds of delicious, fire roasted foods. You’re with your best friend, so you’ve already talked & laughed quite a bit. You take a drink, sit back, and just enjoy the fire. Then, your friend turns to you & starts to ask the deeper questions:
“What’s the greatest thing God has done in your life?” “When is a time a fellow believer let you down/built you up?” “What song sings to your soul?” “What’s your greatest struggle right now?”
What would you say?
The answers to these types of questions are the ones we’d like to share. Our goal is to create a nationwide platform. We’d like to interview believers in all 50 states. (We’ve currently gathered testimonies from 13/50.) We all have stories about the greatness of God, about our struggles with Him, about the ever-present evidence of His work in our lives. Let’s share them.
Welcome to our campfire. Gather ’round. God has a great story to tell!
Interested in sharing your story? Like what we’re doing, and want to help keep the campfires burning? Want to offer a word of encouragement? We’d love to hear from you!