(A Recap)
Finally. Back to sharing testimonies! Again. And I’m picking up where I left off. In February. I already blogged a little bit about ourselves. I recapped 2018’s Facebook & Instagram posts: stories that inspire & encourage, not great…yet stories, tales that make you chuckle, and a final hodgepodge post. And I started to cover 2019 by writing a summary post for January. The goal was to start in January, and compile all our social media posts into blog posts…until I’m caught up. Then, continue on with normal blog posts. No more recaps! 🙌
Well. Change of plans. Turns out, life happens. Instead, I tried to die. Again. And all my well-intentioned plans sort of crumbled for a while. But, I’m hoping I’m back! The goal is the same. Fill you in on February’s happenings. Then, on to the next month. At some point, I will catch up. Right? 🙏 Thanks for sticking with me. ❤️ (Reminder: Posts in italics = our words)
We kicked off the month by sharing some of the testimonies we’d gathered:

(1/2) “I spent probably three months, prior to accepting the Lord, going to – a “Jesus House” they called it – in Laguna Canyon in California. I knew people there. They were young Christian hippies. Living for God. Gave their life to the Lord. And I was just one of them – but I wasn’t one of them, yet. But, I watched a lot of what they were going through. They were so real. They weren’t perfect, and they didn’t act like they were. And they didn’t act like they had all the answers. Except…there was something going on inside of them. I wanted to be like them.”

(2/2) “They never invited me to go to church. For like, three months. And I’d sit in these meetings, and they’d talk about the Lord – like He was just right there! I couldn’t figure it out. But, one day, they were getting ready to go to church, and I said, “Do you guys think I could go?” And they kind of looked around at each other, and went, “Yeah, that’d probably be alright.” 😂 It was so perfect for me. If somebody would have tried to talk me into going, I would’ve put my hands up. No. Not for me. But they waited for me to ask. That was the first time I went to a service, and God really spoke to me. It’s been a tremendous journey every since.”

“I kind of always had this, ‘He’s out there somewhere…’ kind of thing, but I never made the connection to Jesus being God because my father was so abusive – but he was also very adamant about his relationship with Jesus. So, I didn’t really want to put the two together. I was like, ‘I know God’s real, but I really hope it’s not Jesus.'”
By then, we’d left Florida. Hello, Alabama! 👋

Sunday morning. ❤️ New state. New #SightsAndSounds:
- The sign made me laugh. 😂
- 🎶 Blessed assurance…Jesus is mine…Oh, what a foretaste…of glory divine…🎶 (YouTube link: “Blessed Assurance”)
We love worshipping with our family. Wherever we may be.

“My sister became a Christian because of me. Because, when I accepted Christ, she thought, well, I didn’t die…so she could accept Christ!” 😂 (Florida)
You know, I actually haven’t had the chance to blog much about the places we’ve stayed…but Fairhope, Alabama ranks among one of the cutest. “In 2016, Fairhope was named the best small town in the South by Southern Living magazine.” I’m not surprised. Fairhope was absolutely charming. A haven for those who love beauty. And it possesses a rather unique history. If you go, make sure you swing by Tolstoy Park while you’re in the area!

Spotted. “God has a special place in Heaven for the parents of 6 daughters.” 😂

🎶Does the Father truly love us? (He does.) Does the Spirit move among us? (He does.) And does Jesus, our Messiah, hold forever, those He loves? (He does.) Does our God intend to dwell again with us? (He does.)🎶
(YouTube link: “Is He Worthy”)
These #SightsAndSounds posts may be some of my favorites. ❤️

“Now, I struggle. I’m struggling. I’m struggling with ‘What ifs?’ and ‘Does God REALLY love you?’ You know, being able to accept love and be loved and know I’m loved. I’m struggling with that. I feel it would be good for me to be thankful. And I am thankful, every day, for what He gives, and for the friends I have. I’m still wrestling with depression. But God has been so good.”
Then – just like that – it was time to move on, again.

“You from Arkansas?” Yes, sir. Originally, we are. “Well, y’all have a blessed day!” Thank you! You, too! “Y’all traveling?” Yes. We’re a traveling missionary family. “Oh! So are you Pentecostal?” 😂 No. We’re just Christians. “So, no denomination?!” No denomination. Just Christian. “Well, you have a blessed day. May God bless you today.”

What do you wish people knew about you?
“I wish people knew how much I can love…and how much I need love.”
Oh, that’s beautiful! ❤️

This week’s #SightsAndSounds were good. So good, in fact, that we couldn’t choose just one song.
🎶So what can I say…and what could I do…but offer this heart, oh, God…completely to You 🎶
🎶Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love…Here’s my heart, Lord, take and seal it. Seal it for Thy courts above🎶
🎶I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind, but now I see🎶
❤️❤️❤️ Last week’s worship was absolutely perfect for our weary travelers’ hearts. We’ll put the YouTube links in the comments. We pray you find encouragement in these songs, as we have.
(YouTube links: “The Stand”, “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)”, and “Come Thou Fount”)
That’s right. We ended up back in Arkansas. Only for a few days. Still, it was an unexpected stop on our journey.
We thought we’d be headed to Dallas today. We had plans with friends to spend the weekend in Dallas. But. A little over a week ago, we heard that small voice. We felt the nudge. Go back to Arkansas. #ChangeOfPlans
What?! 😳 You have got to be kidding! Again?!
Yes. Again. Not to stay. Not to get stuck. But it was time to go back. At this point, we’ve learned. Finally. (We think. 🙏🏻) Set the GPS. We head north. Why? No idea. But we’re done arguing with God. We did that for years. Years. We don’t even put up a fight anymore. Arkansas, it is.
As soon as we made the decision to come back, the problems started. Minor ones, at first. A couple of things in the RV need maintenance. No biggie. We have a lifetime warranty. The dealership needs to keep it for a few days. Glad we’re in Arkansas. Staying with family is much cheaper than shelling out $$$ for hotel rooms. Well. Thank you for Your foresight, God. We appreciate it! 🙌🏼
Then, Brian’s tooth starts hurting. That’s not good. Once again, we’re glad we’re here – where we have a dentist & can get this taken care of quickly, before it becomes a much bigger problem. Once again, we’re thanking God for His provision. He really does know what we’ll need before we do. ❤️
Has anyone read through Hebrews 11 lately? You should. It’s full of language that we understand on a whole new level now.
“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see.” This chapter spells out what faith actually looks like. A few examples catch our attention, today:
✨”It was by faith that Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about things that had never happened before…”
✨”It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and to go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going…”
✨”It was by faith that Moses left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger. He kept right on going because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible…”
Wow. Do we do that? 🤔 Do we listen when God warns us about things that have never happened before? Do we prepare for something we can’t even explain? Do we leave – without knowing where we are going? Do we keep going, keeping our eyes on the One who is invisible? Do we focus on the invisible until it becomes visible?
We don’t know what faith looks like for you – but we know that it is impossible to please Him without it. Whatever you’ve got going on, whatever chaos is swirling about you…keep your eyes on the One who is invisible. He will guide you. You can trust Him. Meanwhile, we’re here. We’re praying for you, and we’re for you. We’re all in this together. Let’s press onward toward the unseen.
We were in Arkansas for a total of 11 days. While we were there, we made the most of it. Spent some time with family and friends. Checked an item off our bucket list. Got a little work done…

Who’s afraid of a movie starring a monster and a furry preacher? 😳😬🙋♀️
I’m pretty sure our daughter was supposed to choose “creature” from her list words…but I can’t bring myself to mark this wrong! 🤷♀️😂🤣😏

So…yesterday’s #SightsAndSounds were a bit different. Worship looked like this. 😍 Sounds included a woodpecker, wind flowing through the valley, various creeks/streams/drips/waterfalls, the happy ramblings of a six-year-old boy talking to his mama, and the laughter of my favorite kids on earth.
We love the church. Love God’s people. But. Sometimes, it’s good to take a minute & breathe. Feel the sunshine. Hear the wind, water & laughter. All creation worships Him. Take time to notice it.
“Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout His praise! Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for He is coming!”
– Psalms 96:11-13

“My life was destroyed already, at 23 years old. I had no confidence. Was using every drug that came along. Partying all the time & doing horrible things. But I was battling with this voice that was inside of me. I kept saying, “Yeah, but I’m better than those people,” or “I’m not as bad as those people.” And I heard this voice say, “How’s that working for you?” It hit me hard. And I could see how…it wasn’t working for me.”

“I remember, right before I gave my life to God, standing on a cliff in southern California. Very high. Rocks below. And I was standing there, thinking, ‘Well…I’ll just do away with this life and I’ll have another one later.’ And I remember swaying at the top of that cliff, and then all of a sudden going, ‘What are you doing?’ And that’s when God started really getting a hold of me. It was like that moment – when I said no to that other voice – that He started sending people into my life.”
We finished off the month of February the way we started: by hitting the road again. Eager to go wherever God called us.

Us: Let’s leave by noon!!!
Also us: 3:00 is close enough!!!
By February 28, we had made it through Texas, and crossed the border into New Mexico. The next blog post will recap our crazy busy March. March included stops in New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico, California, and Oregon. It was a bit of a whirlwind! Oh, but God is up to something. And it is good. Stay tuned!
We hope you enjoy reading about our journey. After we finish recapping the year, we’ll get back to sharing all the testimonies we’ve gathered. They’re incredible. God is good, y’all. All the time. And we can’t wait to #GatherRound, #ShareTheStories, & #SeeWhatGodHasDone. With you.
Interested in sharing your story? Like what we’re doing, and want to help keep the campfires burning? Want to offer a word of encouragement? We’d love to hear from you!