(A Recap)
We’re currently in the process of recapping 2018’s Facebook & Instagram posts. The testimonies we gather tend to fall into three categories. Obviously, we have stories that inspire & encourage. Some of the stories are not great…yet. But, today’s focus is on finding the humor. 😀 We love a good laugh. And, life is short. We can’t be serious all the time. Laugh it up a bit! Here are the things that gave us a good chuckle last year. (Any words in italics are ours. The rest were recorded quotes from others.)

“I’ll admit, I’m a bit skeptical [of what you’re doing]. But, what do I know? God told me to open a brewery in the middle of the Bible Belt!” (Arkansas)

“I remember one specific prayer when I was about 16 or 17 years old. It was Sunday night. This high school kid got up to lead the closing prayer. He prayed for God to heal the sick, to lead everyone to salvation, to forgive us all of our sins. He prayed for those suffering from various illnesses and cancer…and then he paused.
There was a chance of snow in the forecast. Every adult I knew was praying the snow would miss us; every kid was desperately praying for snow! Anyway, this kid paused for a minute. Then he quickly blurted out, ‘Hope it snows!’ and said amen before all the adults could yell out, ‘No!’ I thought it was the funniest thing.
After church, while my parents were talking, I listened to various conversations. Some people chuckled at the guy’s request. Others were indignant. He shouldn’t have asked for such a thing. God doesn’t really care whether we get snow or not. There are much more important things to ask Him for.
I’ve often thought back to that prayer. For whatever reason, it has stuck out in my mind. I think God does care about the details. I think He wants us to ask Him for what we need AND what we want – however small & trivial it may seem. He may say yes, He may say no…but I think He is involved & present & concerned with the details. I don’t see how He could take such care in the tiniest details of His creation – and not care about the details of our lives. He’s a good father. And He tells us to ask. Repeatedly, even. His Word tells us to just keep knocking.
If I remember correctly, we did get snow that night – but not enough to get us out of school the next day. I guess that guy should have been more specific with his request! 😉” (Arkansas)
And, then, there are the children. 💗 Kids are the best. They have such a beautiful way of seeing the world, and they’re never afraid to say what’s on their minds! 😂 We haven’t gotten to capture many quotes from kids, yet. (Please share if you have any!) But, we absolutely share what we can.

Scene: A mother & her son are walking through a parking lot.
Overheard: “Huh! Jesus is everywhere.” (Arkansas)
Be sure to turn up the volume for this one! ⬇️
Just a little #MondayMotivation as we kick off this week! 😄❤️ ✝️ (Tennessee)

We were just finishing up an interview when these two cutie pies woke from their naps: “Do you want to see our new bed?” “Mine’s the top one.” 💗 May we all remember to be thankful for all the sweet little moments that add up to make great lives. (Arkansas)

“Tank you, God, for Jesus. And tank you, tank you, God, for trains. And tank you, God, for my mommy and my daddy and my brudder. And tank you, tank you, God, for everything. In Jes’ name, ‘men.” ❤️ (Arkansas)
And, sometimes, we’ll just share posts that we hope will bring a smile to your face:
And, with that, we’re almost done with 2018 posts! 🙌🏼 I think one more should do it. 😏 Then, I’ll tackle 2019’s to date, before moving onto new testimonies we’ve gathered. I hope you’ll stick with us. God is writing the most amazing story. Through each of us. #GatherRound #ShareTheStories #SeeWhatGodHasDone #FromSeaToShiningSea
Interested in sharing your story? Like what we’re doing, and want to help keep the campfires burning? Want to offer a word of encouragement? We’d love to hear from you!