(A Recap)
This is it, folks. One last recap blog to finish up all of our 2019 social media posts. You may be thinking, “Wow. That seems fast. You’ve been making one blog post per month through May. Why stop that now? Why one post for six months?” I know. I hear you.
But this actually has a pretty simple explanation. The first half of the year was crazy busy. Constant travel! Gathering testimony after testimony after testimony! 🙌 What a time. Then, came The Unfortunate Incident. And everything stopped. Everything. May ended with a decision to return to Arkansas. Why? We had no idea. But God did, of course. And, of course, it was for our own good. 💗
This blog post may be longer than normal (if you can believe it), but it sums up the rest of our 2019. A time of rest. A time of healing. Enough time to readjust, reassess, refocus…and remember that God’s way may not look like we think it will. But following Him is an adventure we are always up for! (Reminder: Posts in italics = our words)
I think I’m going to approach this blog post a little differently. I’ll just break it down by month, without offering any explanations. The gist is this: We started off June in Colorado. Made our way to Arkansas. Tried our best to fill you in on what was happening. And stumbled our way through trying to make sense of our new normal. We’ll kick off with June 2019…

Spotted, as we were leaving a church. 💗 We’re all missionaries. Work in the field God has placed you in.
Side Note: I completely forgot the fact that my left eye was acting all weird back in May. That was our original health concern. I didn’t want a Bell’s Palsy relapse. I had no idea The Unfortunate Incident was even a possibility. And, it completely overshadowed the weird, wonky eye issue, of course. I actually forgot this happened, until I started writing this post. Huh.

New post up on the blog! 🙌🏼
“Hey! Did I ever tell you about the time my face quit working? No? Huh. I should probably fill you in on that…”
Check out the link to read about the time my face went on strike – and why that’s relevant today.
Back to June 2019…

This kid. ❤️ He’s 16, today.
Caleb is a classic firstborn. He’s matter of fact, and to the point. He’s an endless wealth of trivia. He knows that Yellowstone National Park was not actually our country’s first National Park – Hot Springs National Park was. And he can tell you why no one knows that tidbit of info.
He’s usually quiet and a bit reserved – but he can ramble on happily for HOURS about whatever interests him. Which will usually involve something computer/game related. 😏
Need help with something? He’s your boy. Caleb is extremely resourceful. We, at Campfire Ministries, benefit often from his talents & his willingness to pitch in and help. 🙌🏻
Happy birthday, @calebyoung.adventures. We love you so much, and we can’t wait to see how God puts your talents to good use! 🥳
I know. #fathersday was yesterday. I tend to miss things like that, because I opt to #livefirst & #postlater. 🤷♀️ #notevensorry 😏 (Note: Not judging anyone who posts in the slightest. Love seeing all your posts. Quite possibly just making an excuse to cover my laziness when it comes to social media posting. #letmelivemylife)
Anyways, I wanted to give a shoutout to the leader of the Young clan. I married Brian Young when we were 19. I’d known him since we were 8. I knew he’d be a good father. That was not a surprise – at all.
I just didn’t realize how committed he’d be to being a GREAT father. How intentional he’d be. How he’d actually, literally live out his faith. Shun the things of this world. Follow the call of his Father – and point his own children toward that same Father. ❤️
Brian is not a perfect father. But he’s the perfect father for our Youngins…because he personally knows, trusts, and follows the one Father who actually is perfect.
Happy (late) Father’s Day, Brian. We love you. Thanks for being such an incredible presence in our lives. 💗
Within days of our arrival back in Arkansas, we were contacted by some dear friends of ours. They were so excited. They had heard we were back (Reminder: no health problems had manifested yet!), and they wondered if our Youngins would be willing to speak at a VBS. Their theme was missions, and they wanted to have the perspective of actual missionary kids. Umm….yes!!! 🙌🏻

What do missionaries do?
“Follow Jesus!!!”
Very good. 💗 The Youngins are speaking at a #VBS today. Kids are the best.
We also decided it was time to let the cat out of the bag. At this point, it was almost the end of June. Still no sign of catastrophe on the horizon. We were making plans to leave again…

Hello, family. I know I’ve been a little quiet lately, so I figured it’s time for an update.
We’ve been in Arkansas for about 3 weeks, now. Planning to stay for another 2 weeks. Ish. 😉 We’re excited to get back out on the road, but it’s been good to be home. We forgot how nice it is to take advantage of simple pleasures…like not needing GPS to find the grocery store. 😏 Here are the highlights from the past few weeks:
🙏🏻 I paid my doctor a visit. I apparently have a bacterial infection attacking the nerve that affects my left eye. That’s what has been causing my Bell’s Palsy-ish blinking problems. Am currently in therapy twice a week to solve that problem. Prayers are still greatly appreciated!
🙏🏻 A friend of ours lost his little brother. We were able to spend some time with the family last week. We learned, long ago, to stop questioning why God sends us where He sends us & when. We’re just glad He places us where we need to be. It was such a blessing to be able to be with this family.
🙌🏻 Our children were asked to speak at a VBS. They were able to speak to children about what it’s like to be missionary kids. Great experience.
💗 We’ve been able to visit with family & friends. Babysat our nieces for a few days. Worked at various contract jobs. Worshipped with our local family. Just enjoyed the peace that comes with relaxing at home.
Well, I think that about sums it up. I’ve been taking it easy, to make sure I don’t aggravate the weird eye situation I’ve got going on. But, we still have goals: namely creating the newsletter & the process of churning out testimonies again. It’s coming. Thanks for being patient with me!
Prayers that you’re all enjoying your summer, spending time with your own families, and loving the land you live in!
July 2019 = What The Krunk Is Happening & Why Can’t We Leave?

Sometimes you just need a little faith, fun, & fireworks. 😁❤️🇺🇸

Today’s #WednesdayWisdom: Enunciate. It’s important.
I was reminded of this when we were listening to Christian radio, and I had to try not to laugh while answering a shocked Alyssa. “WHY would he sing about the greatness of vodka?!?!”
😳 Oh, my…

One year. One whole year has passed since we stepped out, in faith. We left our home. We took off for Maine. Where in Maine? We had no idea! What were we doing? We had no idea!!! 🤦♀️🤷♀️😂
That, my friends, is the start of amazing tales of adventure.
That was the start of a rollercoaster year. A year of extreme highs – and extreme lows:
🙌🏻 We showed up in Maine, not knowing where we were going, who we would meet, or what we would be doing. We arrived in a tiny little town – apparently as “an answer to a prayer. You don’t even know!” We didn’t. We met some of the BEST people, had amazing experiences, and experienced our first life-threatening scare. What a send off into ministry!
👎🏻 We returned to Arkansas for medical care (due to life-threatening scare). We re-evaluated our approach, and tried again. We learned the hard truth that people either understand you…or they don’t. We started the process of creating our tribe. 💗
🙌🏻 We spent most of January in Florida. Met some of the BEST people. Fumbled through our new life. We’re a mess, y’all. 😬 But we kept trying. Spent the next five months traveling through Alabama, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Wyoming – with slight pit stops in Arkansas and Mexico. 😳 Every stop was an opportunity to re-evaluate & re-work our efforts. And, of course, meet some of the BEST people. 😏
👎🏻 We returned to Arkansas for more medical care (not due to a life-threatening scare, but important, nonetheless). Are currently in the process of – you guessed it – re-evaluating our approach to ministry. We’re a work in progress, for sure. We have been reminded that people either understand you…or don’t. And, even worse, they have no intention of understanding you, ever. That’s been a hard lesson to accept. 💔 Thankful we have a God that provides exactly what we need – even in the way of people. 💗
So. To state that this past year has been “crazy” seems a bit of an understatement. This year has been amazing. Incredible. Heart-breaking. Faith-building. Soul-crushing. We have experienced building relationships with people we love beyond what we thought possible. We’ve cried over relationships we’d hoped would be better than they are. We’ve cried out to God, “WHERE ARE YOU?!?!” We’ve watched in awed silence as He showed us. We’ve had plenty of money, and no money…but always what we need. We still don’t know what we’re doing…but we’re still determined to move forward. We can’t stop. Won’t stop. Don’t want to stop. 😁 We’ve crammed a hundred incredible lifetimes into one. Single. Year.
And, it’s been 100%, without a doubt, absolutely worth it.
God may not be calling you to travel, or live anything resembling the life we live. But, He is calling you to something. Something you can’t even begin to imagine. Take a deep breath, and follow Him. It’s hard. It’s amazing. It’s worth it.

“At some point, we stopped realizing how big our God was. At some point, we stopped realizing how much He could really use us. When did that happen?! Why did we allow that moment to win? How did we allow that moment to win?”
Well. This morning’s #sightsandsounds were not what I expected. I’ll be honest: I had never heard of #coffeyanderson. 😬 I’ll be looking him up now. We heard him speak this morning. His message was insightful, encouraging, and hilarious – and he has a great voice to boot! 👍🏻 #mrredwhiteandblue ❤️🇺🇸
We had an opportunity to spend a quick minute with him after the service. He took off his hat when he shook mine & Alyssa’s hands. 💗 He also gave us some timely advice: “You just gotta go for it! You just gotta go for it. Our God is good. Let Him use you.”
That’s the plan. 😁 Thanks for the encouragement, Coffey Anderson. It was greatly needed today. Thank you for letting God use you for His good. 🙌🏻
August 2019 = Something Is Seriously Wrong. Why Is This Happening Again? I Thought I Dealt With This Last Year! (A Lesson In Patience And Trust) I took a few days to share this one. Social media is notorious for letting people slip through the cracks. Just because you post something doesn’t mean people will see it. Therefore, I posted multiple times. You. Are. Welcome! 😉

Hello, Facebook family. Many of you have noticed that I’ve been pretty quiet lately. I deeply appreciate your care, concern, prayers, & messages. 💗 The reason I’ve been quiet is because I’ve been busy trying to not die. Again.
That’s right. I said, ‘again.’ I warn everyone I meet that I’m a mess. Not. Even. Kidding. Not even a little bit.
I am getting better, though. Hence the energy to write a blog post where I even attempt a little bit of humor in my not-funny-at-all-but-kinda-funny place I currently find myself in. Intrigued? Check out the newest blog post.
I’ll probably share this post over the next few days, to give everyone a chance to see what’s going on in our lives. Sorry for being such a pain in the rear. You’ll get that joke if you click on the link in the comments. 😏

A friend of mine shared this yesterday, and – given the timing & topic of my latest blog post – I had to laugh. 😂 My butt can light up, too…on a CAT scan. 🤦♀️🤷♀️😁
If you have no idea why I just said that, click the link. I’ll explain everything.

Alright. One final bum post. Because, you know, if I have to think about my butt all the time, so do you! 😂 Okay. Maybe not. Maybe I just wanted an excuse to share this photo of a fruit that looks like a bum. 🤷♀️😏 Never can tell.
At any rate, this is my final post sharing the blog post that deals with the two separate occasions my bum tried to kill me. I’ve shared enough. If you haven’t read about it after this post…you’ll just be missing out, I guess.
If you’re just now seeing this topic, and you’re like, “Wait. What? I love this photo! This sounds intriguing. I’d love to know more about your bum – which apparently has homicidal tendencies!” click the link to check out the blog & read all about it. #BeBlessed
Alright. Enough about my bum. Back to August 2019…
I’ve told you that my life has been a real pain in the rear lately. So, yesterday’s #SightsAndSounds were truly a balm for my battered spirits. It’s always a good sign when the first song brings you to tears. 💗
🎶 I’ve seen You move, You move the mountains
And I believe, I’ll see You do it again.
You made a way, where there was no way
And I believe, I’ll see You do it again. 🎶

You know, I’ve been the butt of my own jokes lately. (Sorry. Can’t help it. 🤦♀️🤷♀️) But it’s such a big deal because it really has affected every area of my life. And, we committed to #ShareOurLives with you.
Anyways, I snapped this photo while I was out on a morning walk yesterday. You might not think much of it. Nice photo. But this walk was a huge step for me, for a couple of reasons:
1️⃣ This walk signaled that I’m still moving. I came close to dying, twice. 😬 But I’m not dead. I’m still here. I can still move. For that, I am thankful. 🙌
2️⃣ You see that light? 😍 To me, that light was beautiful. Wonderful. Glorious. You know why? I’ve been on antibiotics for the last month. My doctor has warned me, repeatedly, to avoid the sun. I didn’t realize how much I’d miss the light until I was told to avoid it. Yesterday, I had to squint…but I felt its warmth. For that, I am thankful. 🙌
I’m sure I could glean many, many more lessons from that simple walk if I were to sit down & think about it. But, for me, for now, all I need to know is this: I’m here. I’m alive. Keep moving. Follow the light. I need it.

Alrighty! Time for a more upbeat post! 🙌 I meant to share this way back when…then got distracted when I tried to die. (See previous posts if you’re confused.) That’s an absolute shame, because this. Was. Amazing!!!
Wainwright Musical offered a giveaway for a guitar. Send in your story of why you need one. Brian Young submitted our Youngins. We lost our keyboard in a lightning strike. 😬⚡️ And we were looking for new ways to help our little modern-day Von Trapps hone their musical skills whilst living life on the road.
We were chosen. Hallelujah! 🙌🙌🙌 Thank you, so much, Wainwright Musical! We are so appreciative – even if we are a little late in expressing it. (So sorry!) Do any of us know how to play the guitar? No!!! But we’re so excited to learn. Thanks for making it possible. ❤️

So…I’m not just behind on writing to you folks. 🤦♀️🤷♀️😂 Grading schoolwork tonight, and I stumbled upon this gem. 💗
I don’t know if you know this yet, but @alyssayoung.adventures has THE sweetest heart. Love this girl & her love for Jesus!

You know what? It’s AMAZING how quickly time flies by. Another few weeks have passed. Time for another update. I’ll be honest: this whole experience has been really rough on me, folks. It feels like every time I even start to think about drudging up the energy to do…anything, really…I get knocked down again. It’s exhausting. But. This passage came to mind today, so I thought I’d share a few wins I’ve had over the past few weeks:
🙌 I’ve managed to shower. Multiple times! Also: eat, semi-sort of clean at times, pay our bills, and pour what seems like a ton of energy into our children – who are all dealing with surges of teen/tween hormones. We did not think this through… 😬🤷♀️😂
🙌 I’ve managed to plan out a rough outline of our next school year. This is no small matter! I now have two kids in high school, and I need to make sure I’m not leaving out anything important. I care way too much about this stuff, no matter how many times people tell me I’m doing great or how my kids already have a great education. That doesn’t matter. I need to get this right now! It is extremely important!!! 🤦♀️ #FixItJesus #IMayHaveIssues
🙌 I’ve also managed to get us (mostly) caught up in school. We kind of fell apart a bit in the whole I-almost-died fiasco. Whoopsies. No biggie. We’re almost ready to…start school again. 😑
🙌 I’m still alive. Yay, me!
🙌 We’re actually starting to talk about & take steps moving forward. This is huge. For the longest time, I had absolutely no energy. None. The idea of even listening to testimonies was exhausting. Take another trip? Never. We’re finally starting to emerge from the haze that surrounded our latest dumpster fire. We’re starting to remember the incredible stories we’ve gathered – that still need to be shared. We’re starting to remember that we have a race to run.
Which brings me to today’s thoughts. We all have a race to run. And it takes an extreme amount of endurance. Your race, in all probability, looks nothing like mine. Hebrews 12 calls us to run with endurance the race God has set before us. You have your own race set before you. And I have no idea what it is! But, I’m here. Cheering you on. 💗
September 2019 = Well. What Now?

“I want to go back to Andovah. Where I’m Alyssar.”
(Alyssa Young, Arkansas)
I do, too, baby. 💗 You know, the funny thing is, people always ask us to not forget them. “Don’t forget about us!”
Not possible. We don’t forget you. We miss everyone. Everywhere. All the time. We miss Maine. We miss Florida & Alabama. We miss Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming…
I’ve been thinking about this a lot, lately. I mean, I’ve been through a lot the past few months. We’ve actually had quite a few hiccups over the past few years, really. And, still, I can’t wait to get back out on the road.
Why?! Why do we do this? Why do we live a life of such uncertainty?
Honestly…I don’t know. I just know that I take my orders from a power greater than myself. And He never seems to make sense from an earthly standpoint – but His ways are always good. I trust Him. I know that “security” is an illusion. I live on a giant rock hurtling through space. On any given day, anything can happen – and my world changes in an instant. So I look to the rock that is higher than I.
I love Maine, too. Can’t wait to go back. And you’d probably be surprised at just how much time our family spends talking about you all. Missing you. Praying for the day we can see you again. Our hearts hurt when we learn of disasters that have struck your region. We worry about & pray for you. We hope you know how much we love you.
We talk about you all the time. Everywhere we go. The stories of God’s work in your lives are amazing. I may not have been able to share them in print as much as I’d like (yet!), but you have no idea how many people you’ve already encouraged. Thank you for sharing your lives with us. We won’t forget you.

Hello, everyone! It’s late, and I almost pushed off making this update post until tomorrow…but I’ve done that for the past three days. 🤦♀️ Now, it is!
I know it may not seem like I’m getting any better on the social media world. But, I am. Slowly, but surely. Our latest victories include:
🙌 We started our newest year of homeschooling three kids. It took about two days for me to realize I had WAY overbooked myself. #overambitious I’ve since scaled it back, and am in the process of figuring out how to give my kids a quality education – without killing myself in the process.
🙌 We’re finally getting our boys set up with a business of their own. Well. One they can run with their dad. 😏 You can find them over at Young Brothers. If you actually go to that page, there is not a single post up yet. Not one! But there will be. It’s coming. On the agenda to accomplish by this weekend. Anyways, the boys & Brian have started a handyman company. One that will work for us while we’re in Arkansas, and can take on the road with us when we leave. They were already doing all that stuff anyway. They’ve done yard work, built furniture, fixed random stuff… Now they have a business for it. 😁
🙌 We’re so close to having Alyssa’s business ready as well! One of the things my kids have really missed about stationary life is the ability to make, create, & sell their own products. We’ve spent quite a bit of time figuring out how to mesh their goals with #fulltimetravel. Alyssa patiently waited while we got Young Brothers up & going. She’s next! Be on the lookout for this cutie’s debut.
🙌 I feel like I say this all the time…but I’m so close. So. Close. To having a rhythm in place that allows me to process & share testimonies! I am so excited about this. For a long time, I’ve struggled with guilt. Guilt that I had collected all these amazing testimonies to God’s goodness, but I wasn’t sharing them. Sometimes, just living takes a lot out of you! So, it scares me to admit this – because you never know what can happen – but I actually, truly believe I’m close to getting back to doing what I love. Which is sharing what God is up to with all of you. 💗

“Well, Sis, let’s sit down & see what the Bible has to say…”
Today, he would have been 89. I miss him so much. Miss his laugh. His big, beautiful smile. The feel of his cold hands on my face when he’d come in from doing chores in the morning. I even miss his smell. My grandpa was simply the best. And anyone who knew him would agree with that statement.
Today, though, I find myself focused on just how thankful I am to have had Giles Roberts for a grandfather. “Don’t put me on a pedestal. I’d be the first to fall off.” 💗 I can hear him now. But, now – more than ever – I realize the value of having a person in your life who simply points you to Jesus. I love this photo so much. Despite my horrible fashion sense. Despite the fact that we weren’t actually reading a Bible when this photo was taken. Doesn’t matter. It brings to mind the countless times we did. He was never too busy. Never too tired. I love this photo so much because it reminds me of one of many moments that inevitably led me to my Savior.
Thank you so much, Grandpa. I miss you. Love you forever.
– Robin Whippersnapper
I don’t know if you caught this while skimming the above posts…but 2019 was also the year of launching businesses. While I was trying to cope with how to stay alive, my family was busy trying to make ends meet. When we were traveling, we worked in whatever community we were in. It was a full-time job we loved! Staying in one place forced us to reevaluate our approach to financial support. Thus, a few businesses were born…

“How do you make money on the road?”
It’s one of our most-asked questions. How do we support a family while traveling? How do we support our ministry?
Well. We have a few methods. One is that we have been extremely blessed to receive gifts for financial support. Whether that’s come in the form of churches allowing us to park in their parking lot, food that’s been donated, houses offered up for laundry & showers, or donations…it’s all helped tremendously. We’re so thankful.
Our main method of financial support, however, has come in the form of odd jobs. In a previous life, Brian was a graphic designer. A sign guy, by trade. He also happens to be skilled in…just about everything. If he’s not skilled, he learns quickly. This has turned out to be an extremely useful trait! We’ve picked up work across the country. We’ve edited books. We’ve prepared taxes. We’ve done miscellaneous yard work & building projects. We’ve never had a business for any of these jobs. We just did them. Until now.
At the request of our sons, we have decided to open a new business. Young Brothers is a general handyman service. It’s based out of Northwest Arkansas (as are we), but is flexible enough to travel with us wherever God calls.
Head on over & give ‘em a like. The boys would appreciate it! 😁 “We’re like Paul! He was an apostle, but he also had a trade!” Yes. Same. 😏

As promised, Alyssa Jaymes is on Facebook! 🙌 This business is run by the youngest member of the Campfire Ministries team. This business will likely move at a snail’s pace, y’all. 😉 But a certain cutie we know wants to craft and create…and sell all her creations. So. Hop on over & show some support. 💗
All in all, 2019 turned out to be the year of brutal honesty.

Another week is ending. Another week of two steps forward and one step back. Which is still forward. I’ll take it! 🙌😁 This week, I’ve been thinking a lot about the internal struggles we deal with. Of course, we SAY all the right things. We say things like: “I just give it all to God.” “I don’t worry about [anything, really]. I give it all to Jesus! He can handle it.” “I don’t care what the world thinks. I care what God thinks.”
I know. I’ve said things like that, too. And I really, truly meant them! But. Have you ever actually tried living in a way that is completely, 100% different from the world you grew up in? The world you were raised to fit in? Have you ever tried living in a way that is radically different from everyone you know – even fellow Christians? Ever tried to “not care what the world thinks” when your world is convinced you’re bat crap crazy? If this journey has taught me anything, it’s that there is a vast difference between people who believe in God…and people who believe God.
This revelation has come as a swift kick in the rear. Unfortunately, I’ve spent most of my life in the former category. I’m still learning to wobble through the actually-believing-God camp. This week, in particular, has been rough. Maybe because I’m physically feeling much better, it frees up my mind to think of all other kinds of things. 🤷♀️ I don’t know. What I do know is that this week I’ve struggled.
I’ve struggled to find a sense of balance. I’ve struggled to stay firm in what God has called me to do. He called me to be a wife & mother long before he called me to be a missionary. And I will not ditch my former loves for my newest calling. I struggle with how to make this work, practically. I have a mission. An assignment. I am fully committed to running the race that has been set before me.
And, yet. I struggle. I struggle with the desire to make it happen on my own. To work from a place of stress and anxiety, rather than one of rest & trust. God has been so gracious. He has led me on an incredible journey & has allowed me to capture the stories of His work in people’s lives across the country. You’d think I’d be completely at peace, and bask in the glow of His unfailing mercy.
Nope! Instead, I stress. I worry. I think that I, somehow, am the one responsible for making this all happen. God needs me! He needs me to share these stories! People need me to share these stories! RIGHT NOW!!! 🤦♀️ Ridiculous, right? But, it’s there. Just waiting for the chance to flare up at the slightest word or thought – no matter how innocent. A well-meaning comment can absolutely wreak havoc on my spirit.
So. What do I do? I remind myself of what I already know: God’s got this. He doesn’t, in fact, need me. He already knows everything. He’s already taken into account all my stupidity, and pride, and laziness, and insecurities. He still chose me. 💗 He will accomplish His purposes when He chooses. How He chooses. And I simply get to be a vessel. A willing servant. My actual orders are simple: 1. Love God. 2. Love people. Got it. 👍🏻 I don’t need to stress myself out. I don’t need to believe the lie that says I have to be anything to anyone. God is everything to everyone. That’s good news, folks. Take that as you go into your weekend, and rest.
October 2019 = Baby Steps

Today was supposed to be the day. The day I shared another blog post. The day I started writing again. Granted, many days were supposed to be “the day.” But, today I was so. So. Close. I could feel it. Today, it was going to happen! 🙌
Only…it didn’t. After homeschooling the kiddos, getting through all the meals, juggling all the kids’ various questions and conversations – because I know better than to ignore the kids! Just a few more blinks before they’re grown & gone & I miss them forever – and the never-ending nightly process of getting them in bed…I sat down to write. ‘This blog post is all but finished,’ I told myself. ‘I’m tired, but I’ll push through. I’ll finish this in no time. Now is not the time to overthink. Channel your inner Jon Acuff. Just. Finish.’
Just then, my youngest enters the room. She’s on the verge of losing a tooth. It’s been hanging on since we were in Filer, Idaho – about six months ago. An hour or so later, I’m taking photos of one ecstatic little girl. I’m getting all my kids settled down. Again. 🤦♀️🤷♀️
Well played, life. Well played. It’s a good thing His mercies are new every morning! 😉🙌

Update! We are no longer in Arkansas. 😳 We’re not exactly back on the road yet, either. We’re taking the week off to visit friends & family. Yesterday, we made it up to Dayton, Ohio, to celebrate Nana’s 85th birthday. 🥳 Sitting around, listening to this family has me thinking. Dangerous, I know. 😏
What stories are we writing with our lives? Looking at this photo, I see stories of happiness. Stories of heartbreak. Stories of triumph, of trying again, of hope. I see hurts and pains and laughter and love. I see imperfect people who have been woven together to form a perfect picture of love for an 85 year old woman. It’s a beautiful thing.
Is that what God sees when He looks at us? Is it what He’s always seen? That, despite all of our missteps. All of our mistakes. All of our this-isn’t-how-I-thought-this-would-work-outs… Somehow, someway, something beautiful forms. I’d like to think so. 💗
We plan to take this week off to spend some time with those we cherish. We’ll head back to Arkansas & spend the rest of the year with those we cherish. Then, head out again to spend time with those we cherish. That’s the plan. ☺️ As always, prayers are greatly appreciated! 🙏 We look forward to writing our story. With you.

Spotted. 😉🎃
November – December 2019 = Just keep trying. Just keep trying… (Plus Veteran’s Day)
Y’all. There’s something about me you need to know. I wasn’t always like this. I wasn’t always so…inconsistent. I’ve been a model student my whole life. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve been inconsistent in plenty of areas in my life! 😬 But writing has not been one of them. I always have plenty to say, and I’ve never had a problem writing out my thoughts.
So…what happened? Why can I not seem to post with any regularity? I’ll tell you what happened. I started following Jesus. For the first time in my adult life. Really, truly following Him. And you know what? All my well-crafted plans flew right out the window. Once given permission, God completely wrecked all of them. Even the ones that were “for His good.” Inconceivable!
You have no idea how strange it feels to sit down & write updates that are basically some version of “my butt tried to kill me, but failed again! 🙌” 🤦♀️ Yet, that is the story I find myself telling over and over. And this post is no exception. Once again, I was feeling better. So much better! On the mend! Time to write agai….what is that? You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me. That’s right. Another stupid cyst.
Fortunately, I was able to deal with this one quickly and naturally. (Cue all the praise hands!) Still, it shook me up a bit. I’ll admit, I’m getting a bit tired of this story.
I’m excited, though. You know why? Because I’ve never been able to feel the opposition. I’ve never had the feeling that actual forces were at work to silence me. Not silence me. Silence HIM. Silence the stories of those who have shared about Him, about what He’s been doing. I’ve never felt it because…I’ve never attempted to do anything. To actually work in the kingdom. I’ve been content to sit quietly on the sidelines. And who needs to silence that?
So. Here’s my update. I had another cyst. It’s gone. I’m still healing. I sleep whenever I need to. I’m exercising every day. I homeschool my kids, help with our family businesses, and remain calm at (almost) all times. I work when I can. And I wait patiently upon the Lord. Everything happens in His timing, anyway. If you’re praying for us, we cannot thank you enough. Please keep them coming! We love you. 💗

“The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.”
– Douglas MacArthur
And – just like that – 2019 was over. In full disclosure, I did post more in November & December than what I’ve shared here. But they were pretty much blog recaps I managed to write. (I’ll share the links here: Feb, Mar, & Apr 2019!) I meant to share a Christmas post. I didn’t. 🤦♀️ I did manage to squeak out a few well wishes for 2020, though.

Happy New Year! 🥳 Here’s to new life in 2020! 🙏🙌
Well. That wraps up 2019! 🙌 Thanks for sticking with me. 💗 Who’s ready to move on to 2020? #ThisGirl
Interested in sharing your story? Like what we’re doing, and want to help keep the campfires burning? Want to offer a word of encouragement? We’d love to hear from you!