How You Can Help

How You Can Help

Every ministry needs a lot of support, and this one is no different. It takes a village to keep the campfires burning. We hope you'll join our village. We could really use your help! We need the following:


A Place to Park It

We need a place to park our 37 ft. RV. We stay in the RV – we won’t invade your home! But it does make it much easier to explore an area without towing our home with us everywhere.

We need a fairly flat space large enough to park & unhook our RV, a space to park our truck, and access to water & electricity. (We can pay for water/electricity, if needed. We don’t use much!) We’ve stayed in a variety of locations. People’s driveways, church parking lots & summer camps have all been home. We’ve stayed in fields behind (or beside) churches. We’ve stayed at RV parks owned by believers, and chipped in enough to cover our electricity & water.

This is one of our greatest needs. We like to stay in a community for a week or two at a time. Without a place to park & unhook, we have to keep moving every day or two. We’d really appreciate any help anyone can give us in this department!

You're Welcome Here!

A Place to Connect

We’re looking for churches across the country! We want to connect with a church for worship & fellowship, and serve in local ministries while we’re in a community.

We’re not affiliated with any particular denomination. We used to say, “You can’t find Southern Baptists in Maine!” People have informed us that, yes, you actually can. Still. You get the point. We believe that God is at work in the lives of His people – and that this work crosses all denominational lines. We don’t care what name is on the building. We want His name to be lifted up & praised.

We’d like to join you for worship & fellowship.

Come Worship With Us!


Practical Needs

A family of 5 = lots of needs! We greatly appreciate whatever you can offer. Have access to a washer & drier? Thanks! Are you a chiropractor or acupuncturist? We love you! The possibilities are endless. So many people tell us they’d like to help, but they don’t have money. That’s okay. We understand! We have so many needs that don’t involve money. Your time, love, & talents are greatly valued. And so very needed. We never realized how much we’d be blessed by offers for free haircuts. You’d be surprised. What may seem like a tiny thing to you is huge to us!

I'd Love To Help!

Food! (And Other Stuff)

Food is our single biggest monthly expense. We have a very modest budget for a family of 5 – $30/day. Still, that adds up to about $900/month. And our kids have food allergies. So food is a toughie. Fruits, vegetables & meats are always a blessing! So are gift cards. And gas cards…

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I'll Feed You! (Or Some Variation)



Yes. Many of our needs are physical ones. But, encouragement is so, so important. We need it. A lot of it. Life is hard. We can do hard things, but we need people who will pray for us, encourage us, listen to us vent…just be our friends. Please. We’re nice…most of the time.

We can also use encouragement in the digital realm. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram. Like, share, & comment on our posts. These acts seem so tiny & insignificant…but we see them all. They really do encourage us & lift our spirits. The smallest of actions speak loudly to us. They let us know that we’re not alone. That you see us. That you see what we’re doing – what He’s doing. And that you’re encouraged. That encourages us to keep going.

I Want To Offer Some Encouragement!

That Which Shall Not Be Named

Ugh. We hate to say it. So we won’t. But – as much as we’ve simplified our lifestyle – we still have bills. However. Any little bit helps. Really. We appreciate any donation. For those of you who can make monthly donations – even $5 – be sure to click the link & read our monthly supporter options. We’ll make you something pretty!

I Want To Help/Give Me The Pretties!
